Sunday, August 2, 2009

Feelin' IT !!!!

So today I was in NY and I'm riding down Broadway...Traffic was as horrific as any other day but today as I looked up I saw Diddy's billboard. You know the "I am King" billboard. As I'm sitting in traffic I get this overwhelming feeling..I'm thinking I want to be on a billboard..Then "The Secret" quickly runs through my head so I say to myself affirm it. So I say I will be on a billboard someday soon! :) At that very moment It was confirmed for me that I was destined for greatness and that I just have to make it and that I just have to be successful....Then I thought..that's why Diddy thinks he's the shit...He wakes up every morning (that he is in NY) and sees himself on this big ass Bill board..He pry says to himself "I am the shit" ..I know everyone has seen that big ass bill board...oh he is mos def feeling himself...LOL :)

And then I immediately said and yes I want it all...The big ass bill board and the confidence of knowing I turned myself into "the shit" ! I have to be on one of those!!!!! (The big ones of course) ; )

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