Tuesday, August 4, 2009

What tangled webs we weave....

So I posted my status on FB as "What tangled webs we weave...." . A few mixed replies but let me talk a little about the source of it all....cause clearly the next line is "when first we practice to deceive..." .. How does one get themselves involved in so much crap they don't even remember where it originated...For whatever reason you just cant get a head....Soon as you come up for air...its like someone pushes your head right back down. You have relationship issues...personal issues...family issues....so on and so forth....but when will the shit end.....So you take one step at a time ..thinking if I tackle one at a time...then sooner or later I should be able to breathe easy....not knowing issues incur interest just like loans when not tended to....Its all a bad deal...So once financial problems calm down and maybe tackle a personal issue...The person ur in a relationship with is over the neglect at this point and damn near over you..but ur thinking all I was trying to do was get my life right for a minute....So you say in ur inner voice "Can I live in the world?" Not thinking suicidal of course but in the scense of you damned if you do and damned if you don't....This recession is out of control....my pockets need to balling out of control like ASAP....and ....one more time for the road..."Can I live in the world?"

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